Martine Scott, who has been programme manager of the Scottish Rural Medicine Collaborative since its inception, is moving on.

But it will be business as usual – or as usual as it can be, given the pandemic – for the SRMC.

Martine leaves the collaborative today (16th April) to take up a position with the project management office for the Scottish Government’s Constitution and External Affairs Directorate.

However, before her departure she worked closely with her team to ensure a smooth handover and to minimise any potential disruption.

“I am moving to take up an exciting new challenge but I leave with mixed feelings as the SRMC has been such an important and fulfilling part of my life,” she said. “Its work has been crucially important in the promotion of rural general practice and I know it will continue to be key to the development of primary care in Scotland.”

She added: “I have hugely enjoyed my time with the collaborative, not least because it’s been great to work with such a dedicated team of professionals. I’ve valued their friendship and advice and very much hope I will remain part of the extended SRMC family.”

Martine’s departure follows that of Ralph Roberts, who was recently succeeded as the SRMC’s senior responsible officer by NHS Highland chief executive Pamela Dudek.

“I think it’s probably inevitable that these changes will be seen as an opportunity to do something for the SRMC that one of our projects seeks to do for GPs: to reflect on and rejuvenate its work,” said Martine.

She added that she intended to remain in close contact with the collaborative’s team and will be available, new work circumstances permitting and at least until the next meeting of the programme board on 27th May, to ensure some stability for the SRMC. She intends to continue to play a role in maintaining the collaborative’s social media profile and will help with preparations for its next newsletter.

This year may well see more changes for the SRMC with its two project managers coming towards the end of their prescribed time with the collaborative. David Priest’s contract will end on 30th September and Ian Blair’s secondment from NHS Orkney running until the same date.

Until then, David will continue to lead on programme risk management, managing actions arising from the programme board, work with the ‘Rediscover the Joy’ initiative to collate views from general practices and Pre-hospital Emergency Care work. Ian will continue to lead on the SRMC’s website, events management and the development of the GP Jobs website. He is also leading on preparations for the May programme board meeting. Anyone who would ordinarily contact Martine on SRMC matters is being urged to contact Ian instead.

The collaborative’s clinical lead, Dr Charlie Siderfin, will continue in that role and will be exploring ideas for future SRMC work.

The May programme board will be asked to consider a recommendation for longer-term arrangements for the SRMC.

Footnote: Martine Scott, a non-executive director of BASICS Scotland, will be raising funds for The Sandpiper Trust in July. She has  set up a Just Giving page for her first (and, she suspects probably last) attempt at Ride the North.