Are you ready for a new perspective?

Why reflect?

The last few years have been difficult for many health professionals.  Many of us may identify with the following statements:

  • I’ve lost sight of what I enjoy about being a GP
  • I feel “ground down”
  • I feel “jaded”
  • I’m continually weary
  • I frequently feel overwhelmed
  • I’m not as resilient as I used to be
  • I’ve lost some of my confidence
  • I doubt my decisions more than I used to
  • I’ve become cynical about the health service
  • I don’t feel as committed to the health service as I used to be
  • I’m considering leaving the profession
  • I’m increasingly concerned about my mental wellbeing
  • I can’t find the head space to take on CPD opportunities

A perspective is a particular way of looking or thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your experiences and beliefs. Gaining a fresh perspective can help you look and think about things differently.

Changing your perspective changes your experience.

What is Reflect and Rejuvenate?

Reflect and Rejuvenate is about the opportunity to experience working in a different environment with the express purpose of giving you a period of reflection that will help you gain a different perspective and a sense of rejuvenation.

Your motivation to take part in Reflect and Rejuvenate may be influenced by how much you relate to the previous statements. You might identify with several of them. Possibly, a change in perspective could make a significant difference.

The idea of the exchange is to provide an opportunity for you to work in a practice environment significantly different from what you are used to.  Removed from the pressures and humdrum of your own practice it is hoped that it will give you the opportunity to enjoy seeing patients in a new system, with different pressures and working practices. It is envisaged that the exchange will last for 1-2 weeks (but it could be shorter for more local exchanges) providing the opportunity to experience how another practice works and to reflect on how things could perhaps be done differently by you and in your own practice. It is hoped that the experience, camaraderie, stimulation, space to think and a break from the responsibility of your own practice will give you a period of reflection resulting in a different perspective and a sense of rejuvenation.

How does it work?

  • You will work in another practice and at the same time someone from that practice will work in your practice. There will be a swap.
  • You may already know of a practice that you would like to undertake an exchange with, but if you don’t we can facilitate your introduction to another practice – a practice significantly different from your own. Significantly different because it delivers healthcare to people living in a different setting (remote, rural, urban, etc) or the size of the practice differs from your own (much bigger, much smaller).
  • There are a limited number of places available so please complete the Application Form which will give us information that will help identify a suitable opportunity.
  • If you are accepted then it is your responsibility to liaise with the practice you are visiting to organise accommodation, induction and support mechanisms, etc.
  • It is your responsibility to agree clinical responsibilities with the practice you are visiting, in the same way that a locum would.
  • We will help you and the practice you are visiting prepare.
  • You will not be paid by the practice you are visiting.
  • Once accepted, you can claim travel and accommodation expenses to a maximum of £500 from this initiative.
  • You are required to complete a brief self-evaluation prior to working in the practice you are visiting and a similar evaluation post visit.

Who can apply?

Reflect and Rejuvenate is only open to GPs working in Scotland who have more than 2 years of continuous service in the same practice. One of the practices in the exchange must be rural.

What about the money?

You can claim travel and accommodation expenses to a maximum of £500. Expenses are administered by the team in NHS Shetland who manage Rediscover the Joy of General Practice. You will receive no remuneration from the practice you are visiting.

How will the initiative be evaluated?

You are required to complete a brief self-evaluation prior to the exchange and a similar evaluation post visit. These will help gather valuable information about the benefits or difficulties encountered; allowing us to evaluate the Reflect and Rejuvenate project.

An exchange from urban to rural

An exchange from rural to urban